Nike likes winners

If you ever wondered why Texas A&M switched all their equipment and uniforms to Adidas from Nike, here's why:

"Byrne (Aggie's AD) also addressed the Aggies' move last year from Nike to adidas as the department's apparel provider.

He said he met with a Nike representative and requested the same deal as A&M's chief rival, Texas.

Byrne said he was offended when the rep told him, "You're not as good as they are and you're probably never going to be." That statement made Byrne's decision to switch to Adidas even easier, he said, in addition to what was a more lucrative deal."

Awesome. After hearing Justin constantly talking about how Nike gets the best athletes, it's true. It's no different in this case. Check out this article in Wikipedia for a list of Nike sponserships. Jamarcus Russell shouldn't be sponsored by Nike.

1 comment:

Justin said...

This is awesome. Truly a testament to greatness: the Nike sponsorship.